Do you want to capture CO2, but struggle with project complexity and risks? Co2laborate is designed to help you navigate the quickly developing CCUS industry and take only the risks you are comfortable with. Our platform provides you with a digital space where you can build CCUS value chains, asses their feasibility and connect with CCUS service providers.
Covering the entire value chain from capture to sale of CDR, we offer a one-stop-shop value chain building and risk quantification.
Access Service Providers across the entire value chain from CO2 Storage to the sale of Negative Emissions.
Secure Personalized Offers based on your project description and a designed interaction plan with the service providers.
Review and select CO2 storage option
Select transport methods and see treatment requirements
Review CO2 utilization options
Compare and contrast Capture Technologies
Certify the emissions and engage in CDR Market
Select the offers from Service Providers and see the financial effects while also accounting for the major risks. With just a few clicks, you can genearate scenarios and find the optimal value chain.
Together with your inputs and an automated project profile creation tool, you are able to quickly share your progress.
Through streamlined interaction with Service Providers obtain personalized offers.
Genrate different scenarios to identify the optimal value chain for your CCUS project.
Fill out required information below to gain access to the technology providers knowledge base.
Seeking help with the realization of your capture project, or just unsure how to get started? Do not hesitate to reach out and get in touch.
Matija Salej